Meet Abundance Ang

Hi hi I am Abundance Ang, cousin of Tai Tai Chan. First off, let me explain my choice of pen name.  Abundance is generosity, prosperity; in Hokkien, it is “huat”! I chose this pseudonym when I first started doing business because I believe that I can have more, I can be more and I can give more. 


Abundance is a really great place to live life from, as opposed to living from scarcity, kiasu-ness, or FOMO (fear of missing out). I think it is a very meaningful pen name. 


On Taitaigram, we would really like to share good news and good stuff, spread good vibes out of a sense of abundance. That is why I think Tai Tai Chan approves of me writing here. Hehe. 


A bit about my background. I worked for the Government after my graduation from National University of Singapore up until the age of 47. I have been a home-entrepreneur since then. 


Am I a Tai Tai? Yes, in my dreams. “I am standing at my kitchen sink softly humming while I do the dishes. I love my kitchen; it’s my favourite place in the whole house. I enjoy looking out at the little back garden while I prepare meals for the family.”


My three kids are always hungry, always happy with the food I dish out. Their friends are always in and out of the house, sometimes expectedly, many times unannounced. But I like having these kids around. 


My home is a merry, cosy mess. There’s always laughter and the sound of music and talking. Parties and gatherings happen ever so often here. I enjoy having guests. 


I have stopped working for some time to be a stay-home mum. I enjoy my life as a full-time mum and I have time to spare for my own parents and hobbies as well.”


This was how I thought my life would be when I reached my late 30’s. My life didn’t turn out quite like this though. 


I was back in my parents’ home with my son barely five years after I got married. I didn’t expect to be a single-mum from the time my son was three-and-a-half. I worked really hard and long hours as a public relations director and fought hard to spend time with my son. In my thirties and forties, I really had very little time for myself. 


My fifties have been my best decade so far. Still, no one would call me a Tai Tai. However, I now enjoy many things Tai Tais enjoy – time with my parents and son, time for long meals with friends, beauty treatments and products, health and fitness activities, five to six holidays a year, and indulging in a very time-consuming past-time, mountain trekking.  


I am an independent, self-funded Tai Tai. Ha ha. But I am not complaining! 


I love my life. It is not perfect. But I love it with all its imperfections, its freedom and restrictions, abundance and limitations, quirkiness and surprises. 


And this is what I hope to bring to Taitaigram – life as it is lived by ordinary folks with some extraordinary dreams, a sparkle, a laugh, a different way of looking at things perhaps, a touch of inspiration. I hope when you read my articles, you will feel like I am a friend of yours. I would definitely love to hear your comments. 


I remain, abundantly yours. Huat ah!