Take Your Sweet Tooth On A Holiday

Take Your Sweet Tooth On A Holiday!

It’s September 2020, more than 180 days since Tai Tai Chan stepped out of Singapore. This is the first time in 26 years, I spent so much time in Singapore consecutively for so many days.

I miss Japan, love Europe, want to go back to Morocco and dream that I am in South Korea every single day.

So, I started googling on how to kill the travel bugs when we are stuck at home. After tasting a set sent by my BFF during circuit breaker, Travelato was born. I cherry-picked flavours of special curated gelato using the best ingredients with no artificial ingredients. A series of sweetness that will bring us back to travel days and walk us through our travel journey again.

I hope you feel the same way I feel when I take every small spoonful of gelato. Close your eyes and imagine you’re seated at a “Char Chan Tang’ when you have a mouthful of Hong Kong Milk Tea, pretend you are standing at the gelato stall next to Trevi Fountain in Rome when you open the cover of Italy pint of gelato and many more. Tell me about your travel histories. I love knowing them. Travel is in my DNA.

For those Tai Tai who are on diet (not me), choose the KETO series! I also designed a special set for those of you who have symptoms of lactose intolerance.

One country is not enough? Check out the pleasure-max set – Around The World In 80 Days. Basically, 10 pints of gelatos representing 10 different countries will be sent to your doorsteps in 3 batches. We took into consideration most household freezer will not be able to house 10 pints at one-go ok!

The gourmet gelato maker I have chosen uses the best of the best ingredients and does not use any artificial ingredients. Expect fresh milk from Australia or Hokkaido, organic cocoa nibs, freshly-squeezed lemon & lime juices and premium uji matcha.

It’s ok that we are not able to travel physically during this unprecedented period of time. At least for now, we are one step closer cos’ our sweet tooth is going for a holiday!
